New year, new themes: The latest post from PegCityLovely our Brand Ambassador

Making Roots Montessori is delighted to introduce our families to Natalie Bell (also known as @PegCityLovely). Natalie is a local blogger and HR specialist who recently joined the Making Roots Montessori family along with her husband, and her son J, who attends our school. Follow Natalie as she shares her family's experience with Montessori.  


The children and staff at Making Roots Montessori started off the new year with a winter theme. And despite the cold, the children are well-dressed and prepared to always enjoy the outdoors and being creative in their outdoor space. Spending time in their outdoor classroom every day is fundamental to the Montessori experience.
I happened to catch a picture of these “ninjas” at pick up one day:

Other themes for January were: transportation, arctic animals, and parts of a reptile. There are always fascinating components to the curriculum each month.
My son J has gone from cutesy toddler to a boy who loves Lego, Star Wars, Paw Patrol and Power Rangers! Whenever, I drop him off or pick him up, his “bros” are always in the midst of sharing details of the next great adventure their toys will have; it’s truly adorable.
J has gone from trinomial cubes to writing his own name (unassisted and in a straight line)! Crafty-type items that he has made (and is very proud of) are coming home more frequently, including his envelopes of paper that he’s cut in straight lines and the drawings of numerous shapes.
Making Roots has since incorporated yoga into the weekly routine and I love when J can show me some of the poses!
We are fostering his active lifestyle at Montessori outside of school too:

The beginning of a new year also meant introducing Making Roots to the masses in a more formal setting. I was in attendance at the annual Open House near the end of January. It was great to talk to prospective parents and share why we chose Making Roots for our son.

Most of the staff were there to explain the various areas of the school and there were many opportunities for those who brought their children to experience hands-on each of the classroom areas. Each parent who attended received a welcome package with brochure and were entered into a draw for an educational toy.

February’s themes are exciting with solar systems and parts of a horse in the lineup, in addition to Valentine’s Day and friendship.
Do you have any burning questions about the Montessori experience? The owners and staff are always available and accessible to engage with you, so be sure to send an email, or comment on FB or tweet on Twitter and you will get a response quickly! 
